About Us



“Lights bring colors and shapes to the environment and act as the foundation for a happy home, subtly adding relaxation and calmness to life’s moments” - Melissa Bai, Founder


Melissa spent her childhood in Ningbo, China embedded in the lighting industry. Her father ran a company that supplied quality lighting to other businesses.  He was always bringing home the newest technology. From an early age she has believed that the right lighting can not only be a tool to light up the darkness but bring a family closer and add to a happy home.

Our mission is to bring the perfect lighting atmosphere to any home. 

Melissa is always in search of the right light that gives her home happiness, but she is often discouraged by the ordinary and expensive selection that other “lifestyle stores” carry. Those same expensive and ordinary light fixtures require third-party time-consuming installations. These factors lead Melissa to create her own lighting company --- Lumoso Home. Our mission is to is to provide everyone with a selection of affordable and easy to install lighting that created a pleasant and joyful environment in your unique home.

Our Values
Lighting Creates A Happy Home
High Quality Products
Promote Healthy Lifestyle, Less Stress!
Environmentally Friendly
Little to No Installation

    We hope you enjoy the selection of products we have carefully curated to being quality at an affordable price to your family.

    -The Lumoso Team


    Melissa and father by a christmas tree

    Melissa and Her Dad at a Christmas Market in California


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